Renée Valet-Huguet's address book

Founder of the blog ‘ID de femmes’
Mémoire vivante du secteur, on croise cette amie des couturiers et des jeunes créateurs à l’Université de la mode, à Modalyon ou encore au musée des Tissus. Passionnée d’écriture et de shopping ultrachic, elle a créé le concours La petite nouvelle de mode aux débuts du Marché de la mode vintage, avant de s’impliquer dans la remise annuelle du regretté Grand Prix du livre de mode. Elle se consacre désormais à ses chroniques inspirées pour son blog ID de femmes.
At the age of 77, the elegant Renée Valet Huguet remains an icon on Lyon’s fashion scene. A walking history book of the industry, this friend of dress designers and young creatives is a frequent visitor to Lyon’s university of fashion, the fashion association Modalyon and the Textile Arts Museum. With a passion for writing and super-chic shopping, she created the literary competition ‘La petite nouvelle de mode’, in the early years of Lyon’s Vintage Fashion Market, before getting involved in the annual award of the much missed ‘Grand Prix du Livre de Mode’ (fashion book prize). She now devotes herself to writing inspired posts for her blog ‘ID de femmes’.
La Virevolte
“More than a bookshop, this is a place where people come together and exchange ideas! I get all my books here; the owners offer really good recommendations. Writers regularly visit the shop and there’s a corner for children that’s so cute!”
La Virevolte4 RUE OCTAVIO-MEY, LYON 5e
Madame des Feuillants
“In her workshop and outlet, Catherine creates dazzling pieces of jewellery, each one unique, using Art Nouveau or Napoleon III treasures. She personally made a wonderful pair of earrings, with black Art Deco cabochons, for me.”
Madame des Feuillants23 RUE ROMARIN, LYON 1er
“An extraordinary garden! They have a collection of rare plants and unique terrariums. What’s more, they run workshops and they also do interior design and decoration"
Galerie du Désordre
“Magical! More than an antiques dealer, the owner, Serge, is a real character. His vintage objects are always really stylish and quirky. An inspiring cabinet of curiosities that I often visit.”
Galerie du Désordre1 RUE VAUBECOUR, LYON 2e