In Morgane Millet-Pelletier's smartphone

In her bio, 31-year-old Morgane (Instagram username: @moody_gaby) describes herself as a mother of two. They are her son (also her muse) and Sablé, her e-shop, where she sells children’s clothes and accessories, both new and second-hand, with an integrated buyback service.
There is never a dull moment in Morgane Millet-Pelletier’s day-to-day life: she runs her e-shop Sablé, which she launched in the spring, packs orders and plans partnerships with people she admires. At the moment, she is also getting ready for the start of her son’s first school year!
Social networks
“I like Instagram, in small doses,” quips Morgane, who uses it to seek inspiration and exchange ideas. She follows accounts belonging to children’s brands (“I do all of my prospecting for Sablé on social networks!”), as well as “easy-going people like @helene.tosco and @bonjourgeorges”.
In her smartphone, Morgane has social network apps, like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok (“I’m out of my comfort zone, but I’m learning!”) and Pinterest, photo and video editing apps (mainly Canva), and work tools (Slack, Gmail), as well as some health and travelling apps.
“I have very eclectic tastes, ranging from 1950-60s French chanson (I love Brassens) to rap, very old-school sounds and even Disney soundtracks. It all depends on what mood I’m in!”
Most liked photo
“A photo of me at #lamaisonpartagee2021, where I took part in a creative challenge to create a room in a small suitcase. I made a lounge using Fimo modelling clay. I love creating things using different materials.” A book about the challenge will be published soon by Marabout.
Last text message
“A discussion with a really cool little cap brand from Germany that I’d like to distribute on Sablé, whose name I can’t reveal, yet…”