Joel Salzi
Les Fines Gueules
Traditional cooking
16 rue Lainerie Vieux Lyon (Saint Paul) - 69005 Lyon 5ème04 78 28 99 14 See more
Hilarious, bubbly and moving, the humorist from lyon is back on stage with amour. Totally in keeping with the times, this one-woman show recounts her trials and tribulations in love, with tenderness and self-derision, against a backdrop of aerial hoop acrobatics, feel-good songs and adventures in the region, from Beaujolais to Ardèche.
You performed at the Radiant, in Caluire, a few days ago, and you’re continuing with a nationwide tour of France. Are you happy to be reunited with your audience?
It’s so great! Before going on, I don’t get stage fright like before; there’s a lot of joy. I also put a lot of heart into writing this show and I know exactly why I’m doing it.
As the name suggests, your show is about love; was this theme an obvious choice?
Following a break-up, I went to Australia alone. The trip is part of the show. When I came back, I felt that there was an expectation among the people around me to talk about what happened. I enjoy sharing, explaining things I’ve understood and going back over expe-riences I’ve had. I’ve been through a lot of break-ups, so I’m the one who made it through, the one my friends like to call when it happens to them. After my trip to Australia, people kept on telling me: “You have to tell me about it! “ So, I said to myself: either you’re going to have to have dinner with a different person every day for three months, or you put it all in a show.
A show about love...
I allowed myself to believe that people could be interested in what I had to tell. That it could give meaning to my place on the stage. It’s a show that speaks to the heart: to hearts that have suffered; to those that will heal. I come from a generation where most parents were maried and women existed alongside a man. It’s totally different today. I’m growing, I’m working, I’m in control of my destiny... Of course I need somebody, but what is their place in my life? In the show, I talk about how my grandparents met. They lived in such different times that comparing their story with mine is like comparing apples and oranges.
Is performing in Lyon always special for you?
My parents have been talking about nothing else for the past six months! I know so many of the people in the audi-ence that it’s almost intimidating. And, with this show, I’m talking about myself much more than in my first show, so it’s not the same.
What was your childhood in Lyon like?
I grew up in the Monts d’Or, in a very lov-ing family, and we always got together to eat on Sundays. I was lucky enough to have a garden; it was pretty great. I worked hard at school, where I did classi-cal dance. One day, a friend asked me to go to the theatre open day with her and I signed up. I was eight or nine years old.
Were you immediately hooked?
Yes. I loved it. It was a lot of fun. There was a large trunk with loads of cos-tumes in it; we had to grab something and get on stage... I went to Jean Perrin secondary school and, after the bacca-laureate, I wondered what I was going to do. I decided to study performing arts at Lyon 2 University, where I found Nico-las Vital, who I had already taken a class with. He’s still my best friend and now he’s the director of my show.
After that, you attended Joëlle Sevilla’s Acting Studio, is that right?
I was there right at the same time as Kaamelott (if you read the second issue of À la Lyonnaise closely, you may remember that Joëlle Sevilla is the mother of Alexandre Astier, creator of the TV show Kaamelott) started. There were 12 of us in the year group, which was a luxury. AT that time, I said to myself that I’d do an intensive course of eight hours a day and, if I still liked it at the end, I would really make it my profession. I then played at the cabaret with the company La Compagnie et son Personnel de Bord...
Were you doing classical theatre then?
I had a deep desire to do comedy. That was what I knew, in any case. I watched the humorists more than classical plays. While I liked learning texts, comedy came to me naturally and it was where I felt comfortable. Except, back then, I wasn’t really making any choices; I wanted to perform, that was all, without asking myself too many questions.
In 2004, you left Lyon for Paris, is that right?
It was a jungle for me. All I knew was village life until then; I hadn’t even had an apartment in Lyon. I remember that I lived near the Arc de Triomphe, so I sat beneath it and said to myself: “You’ve got an apartment, you’ve settled in, it’s going to be OK! ” It was an adventure, an experience I had to go through. To find myself alone and live things myself, without my whole family knowing about them. To lose myself in a city where I was anonymous. I also realised that some expressions had not travelled very far, such as looking for a ‘gâche’ in a car park (people in Lyon sometimes use the word ‘gâche’ instead of ‘place’ for a parking space).
In Paris, you had many experiences...
When I arrived, I thought I’d be running from one casting to the next... That wasn’t the case at all! I took theatre classes, I acted in plays for free, as well as plays created by friends, and I made a living working on the side as a recep-tionist at the Théâtre de Paris. Then, I got back into café-théâtre (a cafe with live theatre), at École du One Man Show, run by the theatre Le Bout in Pigalle. I was a student, a teacher, a princess in a children’s show, I did improv, and then one day I made the leap and asked for a date. I had six months to write a show, based on a couple of ideas in a notebook. On the 24th of June 2009, I performed alone on stage for the first time. That was the beginning. Until then, I had always been dependent on the desires of others; with this show, I had the feeling that people could access what I really was, deep down.
In 2011, you performed at the theatre Le Point Virgule and in the TV series Bref.
It’s a legendary venue, the Olympia for me; the venue where Élie Kakou per-formed in the first VHS I watched. And Bref was my meeting with the general public, which changed everything.
How did you find the experience of fame?
I didn’t like it at all in the beginning. I didn’t find it as great as people think it’s going to be. That’s when I started reflecting on myself, to understand what was going on deep down, and how it was possible to be successful, but sad or miserable at the same time. I’ve accepted it now, but it can still feel strange sometimes. Some people send me photos of myself, taken from a dis-tance, saying that they didn’t dare to approach me, but wanting to know if it was really me... Strange, isn’t it? Now, I find it flattering, but it doesn’t make me happy.
You appeared in a film in 2013; did it come as a form of recognition for you?
I really wanted to act in films, but I wasn’t determined to do so at all costs. One of my grandparents’ phrases sums up my state of mind well: “If you do your work as well as you can, then things will come to you. ” I like to take things step by step. I don’t believe that there is a finishing line. We always have to prove ourselves.
Do you still feel like a Lyonnaise?
Of course! For now, Lyon is still the place where I’ve lived most my life. That won’t be the case for much longer, but my heart is in Lyon; my family and points of reference are here.
What do you like about this city?
For me, it’s like a smaller version of Paris: it’s easier to get around, more laid-back and there’s plenty of things to do, but with less stress. Something that has changed a lot is the Festival of Lights. When I was a kid, we went to Saint-Jean Cathedral to see the lumignons (Trans-lator’s Note: small lanterns that locals traditionally place on their balconies and window ledges during the festival), but now it’s an event that attracts peo-ple from all over the world. It’s a great source of pride. It’s a city that’s pleasant to walk around, where I can go to my grandma’s to eat Bolognese meatballs, and I really feel comfortable here.
Actress, humorist and stand-up comedian Bérengère Krief was born in Lyon in 1983. After studying at Lyon 2 University and the Acting Studio, she cut her teeth performing on the stages of Lyon’s cafés-théâtres before leaving for Paris, where she performed several versions of her first one-woman show and played the character Marla in the cult French TV show aired on Canal +: Bref.. In 2013, she appeared in the film Joséphine, and then its sequel in 2016, with Marilou Berry. The same year, she played alongside André Dussolier in the comedy Adopte un veuf and then landed the starring role in L’École est finie, a feature-length film by Anne Depétrini (2018).
Currently on a nationwide tour of France with her latest show Amour (in Annecy on 28 January and Bourg-lès-Valence on 29 January), she will be in the cast of Jean-Pierre Améris’ next film, Les Folies Fermières, and the detective series Syndrome E, to be aired on TF1, with Emmanuelle Béart, Vincent Elbaz and Kool Shen.
“This is a little restaurant that I like a lot, which is run by the big brother of one of my secondary school friends. It’s a re-visited "bouchon" (a traditional Lyonnais eatery) and the food is delicious. ”
“My mother takes me here often and I like shopping there with her. Otherwise we go to her hairdresser’s, Jean-Luc Fady. ”
“This place is brilliant! From here, I like walking across the footbridge of the Palais-de-Justice.”
The Ancient Theatre of Fourvière“I’m transported each time I come here. It’s very moving. So many people have been here; the stones have seen so many things.”
The monts d’Or“There’s a walk that we used to do all the time, which goes to Mont Thou, up in the hills. There’s a stunning view of Lyon at the end. ”