Stems and kernels

With the return of sunny days, here are some fresh ideas to reduce food waste. Don’t throw away those stems left over on the work surface when you make a strawberry fruit salad.
Infuse the little green tops in a litre of water (no need to heat it), with a dash of honey if you fancy.
After a few hours, simply remove the stems and enjoy a glass of cool strawberry-flavoured water.
Apricot kernels are also delicious hidden treasures: remove the thin skin, finely chop a dozen of them with 250 g of almond powder. Whisk three egg whites with 80 g of sugar, gently add the almond powder and kernels. Next, shape the mixture into balls and roll them in 100 g of icing sugar. Finally, after baking them for 20 minutes in an oven at 160°C, your delicious amaretti will be ready to enjoy! Apricot kernels also go amazingly well in a ceviche, fish tartare or pan-fried shellfish.
By Sonia Ezgulian
A zero-waste chef, she is the author of ‘Ma p’tite cuisine des restes’ published by Ah ! Éditions and regularly makes delicious little dishes for June Caffe in Caluire-et-Cuire. She recently finished ‘Ma petite cuisinière potagère’, published by Flammarion, an augmented version of her self-published recipe collection ‘Vivre(s)’.