Recycling cherry pits and stems

Instead of throwing away your cherry pits, you can use them to make vinegar!
Put them in a clean jar and cover them with cider vinegar, a few teaspoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and peppercorns.
Leave to settle for a few weeks away from sunlight and taste from time to time.
Once the flavour has infused, filter out the pits and pour the vinegar out into a clean bottle.
With their detoxifying properties and sweet flavour, the cherry stems also make an excellent infusion.
Spread them out on a tray and leave them to dry for a few days in a bright and well-ventilated place.
Next, store them in a sealed jar. To use them, place a few tablespoons of the dried stems in a saucepan of boiling water and leave to simmer for five minutes. Leave to infuse for a further five minutes.
Add a little bit of honey or sugar and a dash of lemon.
By Jeanne Vallin-Fournier
Cook and creator of Delicatessen Factory, she provides personalized catering services and cookery workshops for adults. She supplies the wine cellar and table d’hôtes Le Jeu de Quilles with preserves and seasonal dishes, and also runs workshops for children – Au Four et au Jardin –, which formed the basis for her self-published book.