Chimichurri with old herbs and leftover stems

This green sauce makes an excellent condiment for tacos, fish, eggs, grilled meats, avocados and more… You can also use it to make dressings. It is an excellent way to use up old bunches of herbs (like coriander, parsley, dill, basil and tarragon) and leftover stems in the back of the fridge. Chop them up roughly (leaves and stems) and put them in an electric mincer along with a clove of garlic, some hot pepper, salt and a dash of cider vinegar. Blend, taste and add seasoning as required. Gradually stir in about 100 ml of olive oil until the sauce is smooth.
Put it all in a clean jar and cover with oil. It will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks.
By Jeanne Vallin-Fournier
Cook and creator of the Delicatessen Factory, she provides personalized catering services for events, cookery workshops for adults and children (in the kitchen and garden) and makes seasonal dishes and preserves that you will find at the restaurant Le Jeu de Quilles.
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