
A wave of concerts
A landmark on the local electronic music scene, the festival Reperkusound has built a reputation for creating an immersive visual and sonic environment that offers a range of multisensory experiences. Returning from the 7th to the 9th of April, at the Double Mixte in Villeurbanne, the 2023 festival will be no exception, inviting visitors to dive deep into the abyss, “surrounded by fantastic creatures, and strange, bioluminescent lights and shadows.”
The line-up includes 80 artists, including Paula Temple, Rebeka Warrior, Vladimir Cauchemar, Popof, Hilight Tribe, Neelix, Pendulum, Soom T, Romane Sandarelli, Bernadette, Mila Dietrich and Eesah Yasuke, some of which have been given a carte blanche (Marsatac, Phase and La Darude this year). They will be performing on the festival’s five stages for three nights of hypnotic immersion.
7 to 9 April