Camille and Romain, Gourmets and cyclist-travellers - Watts for Dinner

Reaching Tokyo from Lyon by bicycle... This is the challenge, currently underway, taken on by Camille and Romain, two young cyclists from Lyon, lovers of travel and cooking. They were tasked by Maxime Laurenson, also of Lyon, with taking a recipe and its secret ingredient to Chef Sasaki in Osaka. Along this “culinary journey”, they will travel 16,000 km (100 kilometres of cycling every day), carrying 50 kilograms of luggage. You can follow them on their dedicated Instagram account: @wattsfordinner.
“We are currently in Istanbul, our first stage outside of Europe. Before that, we travelled through Switzerland, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia… Each time we stop, we look for a local resident kind enough to lend us a corner of their garden to bivouac in, and it’s been working pretty well so far! We grab anybody unlucky enough to be out in their garden when we finish our day’s cycling!” / @wattsfordinner
Most liked photo
“The photo before departure with all our equipment for a year-long journey. We took this picture with our drone.”
Social networks
“We use Instagram to share our adventure and Strava for the cycling. We try to set ourselves limits on social networks, because it’s easy to get totally engrossed in them. We content ourselves with posting a few stories per day to share what we’re experiencing.”
Last text message
“Our last text was one from our mobile operator telling us the prices for calls in Turkey [laughs]. Joking aside, it was a WhatsApp notification, a nice message from a friend who has family in Istanbul.”
“We use Deezer and we listen to quite a lot of history podcasts. We’re currently finishing a series on Napoleon. After that, it will be one on the former Yugoslavia, and the history of the Ottoman empire and Turkey. Our journey inspires lots of questions and we find answers in the episodes. We also listen to pop and rock tracks to relax.”
Background image
“A mountain scene with snowy fir trees, which has a very calming effect!”